Detail Covered in The DVD's

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Murray's picture
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Are you able to give me some idea of the level of detail presented in the DVD's?
I wouldn't expect the detail to be at engineering level, but am hoping for more than an overview of technologies and techniques.



JulianC's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Detail detail


The approach we have taken in the series is first to explain and clarify topics under discussion. During our research, time and time again, there would be a term or a technique that needed explaining and we would look into what explanations were currently available in major printed and online reference materials. Almost invariably, we found the 'explanations' to be way more complicated than the question!

So this has been the starting off point. Ironically, although making something easy to understand is incredibly difficult (ironic in itself), the risk is that you make something seem, at first glance, simplistic or basic. To answer that I can only quote one of our engineers who commented that, having seen the Drum section possibly more than 100 times during the post-production process , he was, as he put it "still hearing and learning new stuff." And he is a professional engineer working with Alan Parsons!

All sections 'speak' in loosely the same tone and depth so I'd advise you to download one section, play it a few times, and see if it fits your needs.

Once the full program is available, in the next month or so, we will also be offering a whole series of bonus and additional materials here on the site, from audio files to written materials to bonus video to live forums. So the 'Art & Science Of Sound Recording' is more even than a fixed series of videos. This is very much an on-going learning platform.

Hope this answers your questions.

Julian / Keyfax NewMedia.
