With SESSION FILES: Raw Multitracks recorded by Alan Parsons

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Book It!

The Book It

More than simply the book of the award-winning DVD set, Art & Science of Sound Recording, the Book takes legendary engineer, producer, and artist Alan Parsons' approaches to sound recording to the next level. In book form, Parsons has the space to include more technical background information, more detailed diagrams, plus a complete set of course notes on each of the 24 topics, from "The Brief History of Recording" to the now-classic "Dealing with Disasters." Written with the DVD's coproducer, musician, and author Julian Colbeck, ASSR, the Book offers readers a classic "big picture" view of modern recording technology in conjunction with an almost encyclopedic list of specific techniques, processes, and equipment.

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Enjoy a FREE preview of each video section from the complete series. Purchase options are given with each preview.


assr educational license

Add Multi-Platinum experience to your Audio, Recording and Music Production courses with Alan Parsons on your team!

The ASSR Educational License installs the complete Alan Parsons' Art & Science Of Sound Recording video series as a stand-alone app on individual workstations in your lab, making this award-winning body of work available to all your students in a fast and accessible format. The Educational License is the cornerstone of the recently announced Music Production Curriculum—a complete and integrated educational package comprising 24 full-length Lessons Plans based on this video series and Session Files.

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Master Class Training Sessions

Master Class Training Sessions are live events where Attendees get hands-on, interactive instruction from Alan Parsons on the 'art and science' of sound recording. They follow similar themes to the Art And Science Of Sound Recording videos but as live events they are more in-depth and offer the chance to actually work with Alan Parsons.

Master Class

Master Class Training Sessions are held in recording studios around the world and currently comprise one or two day sessions at one of three Levels.

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